Source code for pygmtools.dataset

The implementations of data loading and data processing.

import requests
import os
import zipfile
import tarfile
from pygmtools.dataset_config import dataset_cfg
from pathlib import Path
from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element
from PIL import Image
from import tqdm
from time import sleep
import shutil
import numpy as np
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import pickle
import json
import as sio
import glob
import random

    'cat': ['L_B_Elbow', 'L_B_Paw', 'L_EarBase', 'L_Eye', 'L_F_Elbow',
            'L_F_Paw', 'Nose', 'R_B_Elbow', 'R_B_Paw', 'R_EarBase', 'R_Eye',
            'R_F_Elbow', 'R_F_Paw', 'TailBase', 'Throat', 'Withers'],
    'bottle': ['L_Base', 'L_Neck', 'L_Shoulder', 'L_Top', 'R_Base', 'R_Neck',
               'R_Shoulder', 'R_Top'],
    'horse': ['L_B_Elbow', 'L_B_Paw', 'L_EarBase', 'L_Eye', 'L_F_Elbow',
              'L_F_Paw', 'Nose', 'R_B_Elbow', 'R_B_Paw', 'R_EarBase', 'R_Eye',
              'R_F_Elbow', 'R_F_Paw', 'TailBase', 'Throat', 'Withers'],
    'motorbike': ['B_WheelCenter', 'B_WheelEnd', 'ExhaustPipeEnd',
                  'F_WheelCenter', 'F_WheelEnd', 'HandleCenter', 'L_HandleTip',
                  'R_HandleTip', 'SeatBase', 'TailLight'],
    'boat': ['Hull_Back_Bot', 'Hull_Back_Top', 'Hull_Front_Bot',
             'Hull_Front_Top', 'Hull_Mid_Left_Bot', 'Hull_Mid_Left_Top',
             'Hull_Mid_Right_Bot', 'Hull_Mid_Right_Top', 'Mast_Top', 'Sail_Left',
    'tvmonitor': ['B_Bottom_Left', 'B_Bottom_Right', 'B_Top_Left',
                  'B_Top_Right', 'F_Bottom_Left', 'F_Bottom_Right', 'F_Top_Left',
    'cow': ['L_B_Elbow', 'L_B_Paw', 'L_EarBase', 'L_Eye', 'L_F_Elbow',
            'L_F_Paw', 'Nose', 'R_B_Elbow', 'R_B_Paw', 'R_EarBase', 'R_Eye',
            'R_F_Elbow', 'R_F_Paw', 'TailBase', 'Throat', 'Withers'],
    'chair': ['BackRest_Top_Left', 'BackRest_Top_Right', 'Leg_Left_Back',
              'Leg_Left_Front', 'Leg_Right_Back', 'Leg_Right_Front',
              'Seat_Left_Back', 'Seat_Left_Front', 'Seat_Right_Back',
    'car': ['L_B_RoofTop', 'L_B_WheelCenter', 'L_F_RoofTop', 'L_F_WheelCenter',
            'L_HeadLight', 'L_SideviewMirror', 'L_TailLight', 'R_B_RoofTop',
            'R_B_WheelCenter', 'R_F_RoofTop', 'R_F_WheelCenter', 'R_HeadLight',
            'R_SideviewMirror', 'R_TailLight'],
    'person': ['B_Head', 'HeadBack', 'L_Ankle', 'L_Ear', 'L_Elbow', 'L_Eye',
               'L_Foot', 'L_Hip', 'L_Knee', 'L_Shoulder', 'L_Toes', 'L_Wrist', 'Nose',
               'R_Ankle', 'R_Ear', 'R_Elbow', 'R_Eye', 'R_Foot', 'R_Hip', 'R_Knee',
               'R_Shoulder', 'R_Toes', 'R_Wrist'],
    'diningtable': ['Bot_Left_Back', 'Bot_Left_Front', 'Bot_Right_Back',
                    'Bot_Right_Front', 'Top_Left_Back', 'Top_Left_Front', 'Top_Right_Back',
    'dog': ['L_B_Elbow', 'L_B_Paw', 'L_EarBase', 'L_Eye', 'L_F_Elbow',
            'L_F_Paw', 'Nose', 'R_B_Elbow', 'R_B_Paw', 'R_EarBase', 'R_Eye',
            'R_F_Elbow', 'R_F_Paw', 'TailBase', 'Throat', 'Withers'],
    'bird': ['Beak_Base', 'Beak_Tip', 'Left_Eye', 'Left_Wing_Base',
             'Left_Wing_Tip', 'Leg_Center', 'Lower_Neck_Base', 'Right_Eye',
             'Right_Wing_Base', 'Right_Wing_Tip', 'Tail_Tip', 'Upper_Neck_Base'],
    'bicycle': ['B_WheelCenter', 'B_WheelEnd', 'B_WheelIntersection',
                'CranksetCenter', 'F_WheelCenter', 'F_WheelEnd', 'F_WheelIntersection',
                'HandleCenter', 'L_HandleTip', 'R_HandleTip', 'SeatBase'],
    'train': ['Base_Back_Left', 'Base_Back_Right', 'Base_Front_Left',
              'Base_Front_Right', 'Roof_Back_Left', 'Roof_Back_Right',
    'sheep': ['L_B_Elbow', 'L_B_Paw', 'L_EarBase', 'L_Eye', 'L_F_Elbow',
              'L_F_Paw', 'Nose', 'R_B_Elbow', 'R_B_Paw', 'R_EarBase', 'R_Eye',
              'R_F_Elbow', 'R_F_Paw', 'TailBase', 'Throat', 'Withers'],
    'aeroplane': ['Bot_Rudder', 'Bot_Rudder_Front', 'L_Stabilizer',
                  'L_WingTip', 'Left_Engine_Back', 'Left_Engine_Front',
                  'Left_Wing_Base', 'NoseTip', 'Nose_Bottom', 'Nose_Top',
                  'R_Stabilizer', 'R_WingTip', 'Right_Engine_Back',
                  'Right_Engine_Front', 'Right_Wing_Base', 'Top_Rudder'],
    'sofa': ['Back_Base_Left', 'Back_Base_Right', 'Back_Top_Left',
             'Back_Top_Right', 'Front_Base_Left', 'Front_Base_Right',
             'Handle_Front_Left', 'Handle_Front_Right', 'Handle_Left_Junction',
             'Handle_Right_Junction', 'Left_Junction', 'Right_Junction'],
    'pottedplant': ['Bottom_Left', 'Bottom_Right', 'Top_Back_Middle',
                    'Top_Front_Middle', 'Top_Left', 'Top_Right'],
    'bus': ['L_B_Base', 'L_B_RoofTop', 'L_F_Base', 'L_F_RoofTop', 'R_B_Base',
            'R_B_RoofTop', 'R_F_Base', 'R_F_RoofTop']

[docs]class PascalVOC: r""" Download and preprocess **PascalVOC Keypoint** dataset. :param sets: str, problem set, ``'train'`` for training set and ``'test'`` for testing set :param obj_resize: tuple, resized image size :param ds_dict: settings of dataset, containing at most 5 params(keys) for PascalVOC: * **KPT_ANNO_DIR**: str, directory of keypoint annotations * **ROOT_DIR**: str, directory of data * **SET_SPLIT**: str, set split path * **CLASSES**: list, data classes * **CACHE_PATH**: str, directory of data cache """ def __init__(self, sets, obj_resize, **ds_dict): KPT_ANNO_DIR = dataset_cfg.PascalVOC.KPT_ANNO_DIR ROOT_DIR = dataset_cfg.PascalVOC.ROOT_DIR SET_SPLIT = dataset_cfg.PascalVOC.SET_SPLIT CLASSES = dataset_cfg.PascalVOC.CLASSES CACHE_PATH = dataset_cfg.CACHE_PATH if len(ds_dict.keys()) > 0: if 'CLASSES' in ds_dict.keys(): CLASSES = ds_dict['CLASSES'] if 'ROOT_DIR' in ds_dict.keys(): ROOT_DIR = ds_dict['ROOT_DIR'] if 'SET_SPLIT' in ds_dict.keys(): SET_SPLIT = ds_dict['SET_SPLIT'] if 'KPT_ANNO_DIR' in ds_dict.keys(): KPT_ANNO_DIR = ds_dict['KPT_ANNO_DIR'] if 'CACHE_PATH' in ds_dict.keys(): CACHE_PATH = ds_dict['CACHE_PATH'] VOC2011_anno_path = KPT_ANNO_DIR VOC2011_img_path = ROOT_DIR + 'JPEGImages' VOC2011_ori_anno_path = ROOT_DIR + 'Annotations' VOC2011_cache_path = CACHE_PATH self.VOC2011_set_path = SET_SPLIT self.dataset_dir = 'data/PascalVOC' if not os.path.exists(ROOT_DIR): assert ROOT_DIR == dataset_cfg.PascalVOC.ROOT_DIR, 'you should not change ROOT_DIR unless the data have been manually downloaded''', name='PascalVOC') if not os.path.exists(KPT_ANNO_DIR): assert KPT_ANNO_DIR == dataset_cfg.PascalVOC.KPT_ANNO_DIR, 'you should not change KPT_ANNO_DIR unless the annotations have been manually downloaded' url='', name='PascalVOC_anno') if not os.path.exists(self.dataset_dir): os.makedirs(self.dataset_dir) self.sets = sets self.obj_resize = obj_resize self.suffix = 'pca' self.classes = CLASSES self.kpt_len = [len(VOC2011_KPT_NAMES[_]) for _ in self.classes] self.classes_kpts = {cls: len(VOC2011_KPT_NAMES[cls]) for cls in self.classes} self.anno_path = Path(VOC2011_anno_path) self.img_path = Path(VOC2011_img_path) self.ori_anno_path = Path(VOC2011_ori_anno_path) assert sets == 'train' or sets == 'test', 'No match found for dataset {}'.format(sets) cache_name = 'voc_db_' + sets + '.pkl' self.cache_path = Path(VOC2011_cache_path) self.cache_file = self.cache_path / cache_name if self.cache_file.exists(): with'rb') as f: self.xml_list = pickle.load(f) print('xml list loaded from {}'.format(self.cache_file)) else: if self.sets != 'test': print('Caching xml list to {}...'.format(self.cache_file)) self.cache_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) with np.load(self.VOC2011_set_path, allow_pickle=True) as f: self.xml_list = f[sets] before_filter = sum([len(k) for k in self.xml_list]) self.__filter_list(self.xml_list) after_filter = sum([len(k) for k in self.xml_list]) with'wb') as f: pickle.dump(self.xml_list, f) print('Filtered {} images to {}. Annotation saved.'.format(before_filter, after_filter)) self.process()
[docs] def download(self, url=None, name=None): r""" Automatically download PascalVOC dataset. :param url: str, web url of PascalVOC and PascalVOC annotation :param name: str, ``"PascalVOC"`` to download PascalVOC and ``"PascalVOC_anno"`` to download PascalVOC annotation """ dirs = 'data/' if not os.path.exists(dirs): os.makedirs(dirs) if name == "PascalVOC_anno": print('Downloading dataset annotation...') filename = "data/PascalVOC.tgz" down_res = requests.get(url, stream=True) file_size = int(down_res.headers.get('Content-Length', 0)) with tqdm.wrapattr(down_res.raw, "read", total=file_size) as content: with open(filename, 'wb') as file: shutil.copyfileobj(content, file) tar =, "r") file_names = tar.getnames() print('Unzipping files...') sleep(0.5) for file_name in tqdm(file_names): tar.extract(file_name, "data/PascalVOC/") tar.close() os.remove(filename) if name == "PascalVOC": print('Downloading dataset PascalVOC...') filename = "data/PascalVOC.tar" down_res = requests.get(url, stream=True) file_size = int(down_res.headers.get('Content-Length', 0)) with tqdm.wrapattr(down_res.raw, "read", total=file_size) as content: with open(filename, 'wb') as file: shutil.copyfileobj(content, file) tar =, "r") file_names = tar.getnames() print('Unzipping files...') sleep(0.5) for file_name in tqdm(file_names): tar.extract(file_name, "data/PascalVOC/") tar.close() os.remove(filename)
def __filter_list(self, a_xml_list): """ Filter out ``'truncated'``, ``'occluded'`` and ``'difficult'`` images following the practice of previous works. In addition, this dataset has uncleaned label (in person category). They are omitted as suggested by README. """ for cls_id in range(len(self.classes)): to_del = [] for xml_name in a_xml_list[cls_id]: xml_comps = xml_name.split('/')[-1].strip('.xml').split('_') ori_xml_name = '_'.join(xml_comps[:-1]) + '.xml' voc_idx = int(xml_comps[-1]) xml_file = self.ori_anno_path / ori_xml_name assert xml_file.exists(), '{} does not exist.'.format(xml_file) tree = ET.parse( root = tree.getroot() obj: Element = root.findall('object')[voc_idx - 1] difficult = obj.find('difficult') if difficult is not None: difficult = int(difficult.text) occluded = obj.find('occluded') if occluded is not None: occluded = int(occluded.text) truncated = obj.find('truncated') if truncated is not None: truncated = int(truncated.text) if difficult or occluded or truncated: to_del.append(xml_name) continue # Exclude uncleaned images if self.classes[cls_id] == 'person' and int(xml_comps[0]) > 2008: to_del.append(xml_name) continue # Exclude overlapping images in Willow # if self.sets == 'train' and (self.classes[cls_id] == 'motorbike' or self.classes[cls_id] == 'car') \ # and int(xml_comps[0]) == 2007: # to_del.append(xml_name) # continue for x in to_del: a_xml_list[cls_id].remove(x)
[docs] def process(self): r""" Process the dataset and generate ``data-(size, size).json`` for preprocessed dataset, ``train.json`` for training set, and ``test.json`` for testing set. """ train_file = os.path.join(self.dataset_dir, 'train.json') test_file = os.path.join(self.dataset_dir, 'test.json') img_file = os.path.join(self.dataset_dir, 'data-' + str(self.obj_resize) + '-' + self.suffix + '.json') if not (os.path.exists(train_file) and os.path.exists(test_file) and os.path.exists(img_file)): if not (os.path.exists(train_file) and os.path.exists(test_file)): list1 = [] for x in range(len(self.xml_list)): for xml_name in self.xml_list[x]: tmp = xml_name.split('/') tmp2 = tmp[1].split('.') objID = tmp2[0] + '_' + tmp[0] list1.append(objID) list2 = [] if self.sets == 'train': with np.load(self.VOC2011_set_path, allow_pickle=True) as f: a_list = f['test'] self.__filter_list(a_list) cache_name = 'voc_db_test.pkl' cache_file = self.cache_path / cache_name if not cache_file.exists(): with'wb') as f: pickle.dump(a_list, f) for x in range(len(a_list)): for xml_name in a_list[x]: tmp = xml_name.split('/') tmp2 = tmp[1].split('.') objID = tmp2[0] + '_' + tmp[0] list2.append(objID) str1 = json.dumps(list1) f1 = open(train_file, 'w') f1.write(str1) f1.close() str2 = json.dumps(list2) f2 = open(test_file, 'w') f2.write(str2) f2.close() else: with np.load(self.VOC2011_set_path, allow_pickle=True) as f: a_list = f['train'] self.__filter_list(a_list) cache_name = 'voc_db_train.pkl' cache_file = self.cache_path / cache_name if not cache_file.exists(): with'wb') as f: pickle.dump(a_list, f) for x in range(len(a_list)): for xml_name in a_list[x]: tmp = xml_name.split('/') tmp2 = tmp[1].split('.') objID = tmp2[0] + '_' + tmp[0] list2.append(objID) str1 = json.dumps(list1) f1 = open(test_file, 'w') f1.write(str1) f1.close() str2 = json.dumps(list2) f2 = open(train_file, 'w') f2.write(str2) f2.close() else: if self.sets == 'train': with np.load(self.VOC2011_set_path, allow_pickle=True) as f: a_list = f['test'] self.__filter_list(a_list) cache_name = 'voc_db_test.pkl' cache_file = self.cache_path / cache_name if not cache_file.exists(): with'wb') as f: pickle.dump(a_list, f) else: with np.load(self.VOC2011_set_path, allow_pickle=True) as f: a_list = f['train'] self.__filter_list(a_list) cache_name = 'voc_db_train.pkl' cache_file = self.cache_path / cache_name if not cache_file.exists(): with'wb') as f: pickle.dump(a_list, f) if not os.path.exists(img_file): data_list = self.xml_list + a_list data_dict = dict() for x in range(len(data_list)): for xml_name in data_list[x]: tmp = xml_name.split('/') tmp2 = tmp[1].split('.') objID = tmp2[0] + '_' + tmp[0] annotations = self.__get_anno_dict(xml_name) data_dict[objID] = annotations data_str = json.dumps(data_dict) f3 = open(img_file, 'w') f3.write(data_str) f3.close()
def __get_anno_dict(self, xml_name): """ Get an annotation dict from xml file """ xml_file = self.anno_path / xml_name assert xml_file.exists(), '{} does not exist.'.format(xml_file) tree = ET.parse( root = tree.getroot() img_name = root.find('./image').text + '.jpg' img_file = self.img_path / img_name bounds = root.find('./visible_bounds').attrib cls = root.find('./category').text xmin = float(bounds['xmin']) ymin = float(bounds['ymin']) h = float(bounds['height']) w = float(bounds['width']) xmax = float(xmin) + float(w) ymax = float(ymin) + float(h) keypoint_list = [] for keypoint in root.findall('./keypoints/keypoint'): attr = keypoint.attrib attr['x'] = (float(attr['x']) - xmin) * self.obj_resize[0] / w attr['y'] = (float(attr['y']) - ymin) * self.obj_resize[1] / h kpts_anno = dict() kpts_anno['labels'] = attr['name'] kpts_anno['x'] = attr['x'] kpts_anno['y'] = attr['y'] keypoint_list.append(kpts_anno) anno_dict = dict() anno_dict['kpts'] = keypoint_list anno_dict['path'] = str(img_file) anno_dict['cls'] = cls anno_dict['bounds'] = [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax] anno_dict['univ_size'] = len(VOC2011_KPT_NAMES[cls]) return anno_dict
[docs]class WillowObject: r""" Download and preprocess **Willow Object Class** dataset. :param sets: str, problem set, ``'train'`` for training set and ``'test'`` for testing set :param obj_resize: tuple, resized image size :param ds_dict: settings of dataset, containing at most 6 params(keys) for WillowObject: * **ROOT_DIR**: str, directory of data * **CLASSES**: list, data classes * **TRAIN_NUM**: int, number of images for train in each class * **SPLIT_OFFSET**: int, offset when split train and testing set * **TRAIN_SAME_AS_TEST**: bool, whether to use same images for training and test * **RAND_OUTLIER**: int, number of added outliers in one image """ def __init__(self, sets, obj_resize, **ds_dict): CLASSES = dataset_cfg.WillowObject.CLASSES KPT_LEN = dataset_cfg.WillowObject.KPT_LEN ROOT_DIR = dataset_cfg.WillowObject.ROOT_DIR TRAIN_NUM = dataset_cfg.WillowObject.TRAIN_NUM SPLIT_OFFSET = dataset_cfg.WillowObject.SPLIT_OFFSET TRAIN_SAME_AS_TEST = dataset_cfg.WillowObject.TRAIN_SAME_AS_TEST RAND_OUTLIER = dataset_cfg.WillowObject.RAND_OUTLIER if len(ds_dict.keys()) > 0: if 'CLASSES' in ds_dict.keys(): CLASSES = ds_dict['CLASSES'] if 'ROOT_DIR' in ds_dict.keys(): ROOT_DIR = ds_dict['ROOT_DIR'] if 'TRAIN_NUM' in ds_dict.keys(): TRAIN_NUM = ds_dict['TRAIN_NUM'] if 'SPLIT_OFFSET' in ds_dict.keys(): SPLIT_OFFSET = ds_dict['SPLIT_OFFSET'] if 'TRAIN_SAME_AS_TEST' in ds_dict.keys(): TRAIN_SAME_AS_TEST = ds_dict['TRAIN_SAME_AS_TEST'] if 'RAND_OUTLIER' in ds_dict.keys(): RAND_OUTLIER = ds_dict['RAND_OUTLIER'] self.dataset_dir = 'data/WillowObject' if not os.path.exists(ROOT_DIR): assert ROOT_DIR == dataset_cfg.WillowObject.ROOT_DIR, 'you should not change ROOT_DIR unless the data have been manually downloaded''') if not os.path.exists(self.dataset_dir): os.makedirs(self.dataset_dir) self.sets = sets self.obj_resize = obj_resize self.suffix = 'willow-' + str(RAND_OUTLIER) self.classes = CLASSES self.kpt_len = [KPT_LEN for _ in self.classes] self.root_path = Path(ROOT_DIR) self.obj_resize = obj_resize assert sets == 'train' or 'test', 'No match found for dataset {}'.format(sets) self.split_offset = SPLIT_OFFSET self.train_len = TRAIN_NUM self.train_same_as_test = TRAIN_SAME_AS_TEST self.rand_outlier = RAND_OUTLIER self.mat_list = [] self.process()
[docs] def download(self, url=None): r""" Automatically download WillowObject dataset. :param url: str, web url of WillowObject """ dirs = 'data/' if not os.path.exists(dirs): os.makedirs(dirs) print('Downloading dataset WillowObject...') filename = "data/" down_res = requests.get(url, stream=True) file_size = 68635332 with tqdm.wrapattr(down_res.raw, "read", total=file_size) as content: with open(filename, 'wb') as file: shutil.copyfileobj(content, file) fz = zipfile.ZipFile(filename, "r") print('Unzipping files...') sleep(0.5) for file in tqdm(fz.namelist()): fz.extract(file, "data/WillowObject/") os.remove(filename)
[docs] def process(self): r""" Process the dataset and generate ``data-(size, size).json`` for preprocessed dataset, ``train.json`` for training set, and ``test.json`` for testing set. """ train_file = os.path.join(self.dataset_dir, 'train.json') test_file = os.path.join(self.dataset_dir, 'test.json') img_file = os.path.join(self.dataset_dir, 'data-' + str(self.obj_resize) + '-' + self.suffix + '.json') data_list = [] mat_list_ = [] for cls_name in self.classes: assert type(cls_name) is str cls_mat_list = [p for p in (self.root_path / cls_name).glob('*.mat')] cls_mat_list.sort() if cls_name == 'Face': cls_mat_list.remove(self.root_path / cls_name / 'image_0160.mat') assert not self.root_path / cls_name / 'image_0160.mat' in cls_mat_list ori_len = len(cls_mat_list) assert ori_len > 0, 'No data found for WillowObject Class. Is the dataset installed correctly?' data_list.append(cls_mat_list) if self.split_offset % ori_len + self.train_len <= ori_len: if self.sets == 'train' and not self.train_same_as_test: self.mat_list.append( cls_mat_list[self.split_offset % ori_len: (self.split_offset + self.train_len) % ori_len] ) mat_list_.append( cls_mat_list[:self.split_offset % ori_len] + cls_mat_list[(self.split_offset + self.train_len) % ori_len:] ) elif self.train_same_as_test: self.mat_list.append( cls_mat_list[:self.split_offset % ori_len] + cls_mat_list[(self.split_offset + self.train_len) % ori_len:] ) mat_list_.append( cls_mat_list[:self.split_offset % ori_len] + cls_mat_list[(self.split_offset + self.train_len) % ori_len:] ) else: self.mat_list.append( cls_mat_list[:self.split_offset % ori_len] + cls_mat_list[(self.split_offset + self.train_len) % ori_len:] ) mat_list_.append( cls_mat_list[self.split_offset % ori_len: (self.split_offset + self.train_len) % ori_len] ) else: if self.sets == 'train' and not self.train_same_as_test: self.mat_list.append( cls_mat_list[:(self.split_offset + self.train_len) % ori_len - ori_len] + cls_mat_list[self.split_offset % ori_len:] ) mat_list_.append( cls_mat_list[(self.split_offset + self.train_len) % ori_len - ori_len: self.split_offset % ori_len] ) elif self.train_same_as_test: self.mat_list.append( cls_mat_list[(self.split_offset + self.train_len) % ori_len - ori_len: self.split_offset % ori_len] ) mat_list_.append( cls_mat_list[(self.split_offset + self.train_len) % ori_len - ori_len: self.split_offset % ori_len] ) else: self.mat_list.append( cls_mat_list[(self.split_offset + self.train_len) % ori_len - ori_len: self.split_offset % ori_len] ) mat_list_.append( cls_mat_list[:(self.split_offset + self.train_len) % ori_len - ori_len] + cls_mat_list[self.split_offset % ori_len:] ) train_list = [] test_list = [] if self.sets == 'train': for x in range(len(self.mat_list)): for name in self.mat_list[x]: tmp = str(name).split('/') objID = tmp[-1].split('.')[0] train_list.append(objID) for x in range(len(mat_list_)): for name in mat_list_[x]: tmp = str(name).split('/') objID = tmp[-1].split('.')[0] test_list.append(objID) else: for x in range(len(self.mat_list)): for name in self.mat_list[x]: tmp = str(name).split('/') objID = tmp[-1].split('.')[0] test_list.append(objID) for x in range(len(mat_list_)): for name in mat_list_[x]: tmp = str(name).split('/') objID = tmp[-1].split('.')[0] train_list.append(objID) str1 = json.dumps(train_list) f1 = open(train_file, 'w') f1.write(str1) f1.close() str2 = json.dumps(test_list) f2 = open(test_file, 'w') f2.write(str2) f2.close() if not os.path.exists(img_file): data_dict = dict() for x in range(len(data_list)): for name in data_list[x]: tmp = str(name).split('/') objID = tmp[-1].split('.')[0] cls = tmp[3] annotations = self.__get_anno_dict(name, cls) data_dict[objID] = annotations data_str = json.dumps(data_dict) f3 = open(img_file, 'w') f3.write(data_str) f3.close()
def __get_anno_dict(self, mat_file, cls): """ Get an annotation dict from .mat annotation """ assert mat_file.exists(), '{} does not exist.'.format(mat_file) img_name = mat_file.stem + '.png' img_file = mat_file.parent / img_name struct = sio.loadmat('rb')) kpts = struct['pts_coord'] with as img: ori_sizes = img.size xmin = 0 ymin = 0 w = ori_sizes[0] h = ori_sizes[1] keypoint_list = [] for idx, keypoint in enumerate(np.split(kpts, kpts.shape[1], axis=1)): attr = {'labels': idx} attr['x'] = float(keypoint[0]) * self.obj_resize[0] / w attr['y'] = float(keypoint[1]) * self.obj_resize[1] / h keypoint_list.append(attr) for idx in range(self.rand_outlier): attr = { 'labels': 'outlier', 'x': random.uniform(0, self.obj_resize[0]), 'y': random.uniform(0, self.obj_resize[1]) } keypoint_list.append(attr) anno_dict = dict() anno_dict['path'] = str(img_file) anno_dict['kpts'] = keypoint_list anno_dict['bounds'] = [xmin, ymin, w, h] anno_dict['cls'] = cls anno_dict['univ_size'] = 10 return anno_dict
[docs]class SPair71k: r""" Download and preprocess **SPair71k** dataset. :param sets: str, problem set, ``'train'`` for training set and ``'test'`` for testing set :param obj_resize: tuple, resized image size :param problem: str, problem type, only ``'2GM'`` is supported in SPair71k :param ds_dict: settings of dataset, containing at most 5 params(keys) for SPair71k: * **ROOT_DIR**: str, directory of data * **TRAIN_DIFF_PARAMS**: list of images that should be dumped in train set * **EVAL_DIFF_PARAMS**: list of images that should be dumped in testing set * **COMB_CLS**: bool, whether to combine images in different classes * **SIZE**: str, ``'large'`` for SPair71k-large and ``'small'`` for SPair71k-small """ def __init__(self, sets, obj_resize, problem='2GM', **ds_dict): TRAIN_DIFF_PARAMS = dataset_cfg.SPair.TRAIN_DIFF_PARAMS EVAL_DIFF_PARAMS = dataset_cfg.SPair.EVAL_DIFF_PARAMS COMB_CLS = dataset_cfg.SPair.COMB_CLS SIZE = dataset_cfg.SPair.SIZE ROOT_DIR = dataset_cfg.SPair.ROOT_DIR if len(ds_dict.keys()) > 0: if 'TRAIN_DIFF_PARAMS' in ds_dict.keys(): TRAIN_DIFF_PARAMS = ds_dict['TRAIN_DIFF_PARAMS'] if 'EVAL_DIFF_PARAMS' in ds_dict.keys(): EVAL_DIFF_PARAMS = ds_dict['EVAL_DIFF_PARAMS'] if 'COMB_CLS' in ds_dict.keys(): COMB_CLS = ds_dict['COMB_CLS'] if 'SIZE' in ds_dict.keys(): SIZE = ds_dict['SIZE'] if 'ROOT_DIR' in ds_dict.keys(): ROOT_DIR = ds_dict['ROOT_DIR'] SPair71k_pair_ann_path = ROOT_DIR + "/PairAnnotation" SPair71k_image_path = ROOT_DIR + "/JPEGImages" SPair71k_image_annotation = ROOT_DIR + "/ImageAnnotation" self.SPair71k_layout_path = ROOT_DIR + "/Layout" self.SPair71k_dataset_size = SIZE self.suffix = 'spair-' + SIZE sets_translation_dict = dict(train="trn", test="test") difficulty_params_dict = dict( trn=TRAIN_DIFF_PARAMS, val=EVAL_DIFF_PARAMS, test=EVAL_DIFF_PARAMS ) assert not problem == 'MGM', 'No match found for problem {} in SPair-71k'.format(problem) self.dataset_dir = 'data/SPair-71k' if not os.path.exists(SPair71k_image_path): assert ROOT_DIR == dataset_cfg.SPair.ROOT_DIR, 'you should not change ROOT_DIR unless the data have been manually downloaded''') if not os.path.exists(self.dataset_dir): os.makedirs(self.dataset_dir) self.obj_resize = obj_resize self.sets = sets_translation_dict[sets] self.ann_files = open(os.path.join(self.SPair71k_layout_path, self.SPair71k_dataset_size, self.sets + ".txt"), "r").read().split("\n") self.ann_files = self.ann_files[: len(self.ann_files) - 1] self.difficulty_params = difficulty_params_dict[self.sets] self.pair_ann_path = SPair71k_pair_ann_path self.image_path = SPair71k_image_path self.image_annoation = Path(SPair71k_image_annotation) self.classes = list(map(lambda x: os.path.basename(x), glob.glob("%s/*" % SPair71k_image_path))) self.classes.sort() self.combine_classes = COMB_CLS self.ann_files_filtered, self.ann_files_filtered_cls_dict, self.classes = self.__filter_annotations( self.ann_files, self.difficulty_params ) self.total_size = len(self.ann_files_filtered) self.size_by_cls = {cls: len(ann_list) for cls, ann_list in self.ann_files_filtered_cls_dict.items()} self.process()
[docs] def download(self, url=None): r""" Automatically download SPair71k dataset. :param url: str, web url of SPair71k """ dirs = 'data/' if not os.path.exists(dirs): os.makedirs(dirs) print('Downloading dataset SPair-71k...') filename = "data/SPair-71k.tgz" down_res = requests.get(url, stream=True) file_size = int(down_res.headers.get('Content-Length', 0)) with tqdm.wrapattr(down_res.raw, "read", total=file_size) as content: with open(filename, 'wb') as file: shutil.copyfileobj(content, file) tar =, "r") file_names = tar.getnames() print('Unzipping files...') sleep(0.5) for file_name in tqdm(file_names): tar.extract(file_name, "data/") tar.close() os.remove(filename)
[docs] def process(self): r""" Process the dataset and generate ``data-(size, size).json`` for preprocessed dataset, ``train.json`` for training set, and ``test.json`` for testing set. """ train_file = os.path.join(self.dataset_dir, 'train.json') test_file = os.path.join(self.dataset_dir, 'test.json') img_file = os.path.join(self.dataset_dir, 'data-' + str(self.obj_resize) + '-' + self.suffix + '.json') if not (os.path.exists(train_file) and os.path.exists(test_file) and os.path.exists(img_file)): train_list = [] test_list = [] if self.sets == 'trn': for x in self.ann_files_filtered: tmp = x.split('-') tmp2 = tmp[2].split(':') id1 = tmp[1] + '_' + tmp2[1] id2 = tmp2[0] + '_' + tmp2[1] pair_tuple = (id1, id2) train_list.append(pair_tuple) ann_files_ = open(os.path.join(self.SPair71k_layout_path, self.SPair71k_dataset_size + "/test.txt"), "r").read().split("\n") ann_files_ = ann_files_[: len(ann_files_) - 1] ann_files_filtered_ = self.__filter_annotations(ann_files_, self.difficulty_params)[0] for x in ann_files_filtered_: tmp = x.split('-') tmp2 = tmp[2].split(':') id1 = tmp[1] + '_' + tmp2[1] id2 = tmp2[0] + '_' + tmp2[1] pair_tuple = (id1, id2) test_list.append(pair_tuple) else: for x in self.ann_files_filtered: tmp = x.split('-') tmp2 = tmp[2].split(':') id1 = tmp[1] + '_' + tmp2[1] id2 = tmp2[0] + '_' + tmp2[1] pair_tuple = (id1, id2) test_list.append(pair_tuple) ann_files_ = open(os.path.join(self.SPair71k_layout_path, self.SPair71k_dataset_size + "/trn.txt"), "r").read().split("\n") ann_files_ = ann_files_[: len(ann_files_) - 1] ann_files_filtered_ = self.__filter_annotations(ann_files_, self.difficulty_params)[0] for x in ann_files_filtered_: tmp = x.split('-') tmp2 = tmp[2].split(':') id1 = tmp[1] + '_' + tmp2[1] id2 = tmp2[0] + '_' + tmp2[1] pair_tuple = (id1, id2) train_list.append(pair_tuple) str1 = json.dumps(train_list) f1 = open(train_file, 'w') f1.write(str1) f1.close() str2 = json.dumps(test_list) f2 = open(test_file, 'w') f2.write(str2) f2.close() data_list = [] data_dict = dict() for cls_name in self.classes: cls_json_list = [p for p in (self.image_annoation / cls_name).glob('*.json')] ori_len = len(cls_json_list) assert ori_len > 0, 'No data found for WILLOW Object Class. Is the dataset installed correctly?' data_list.append(cls_json_list) list00 = [] for x in range(len(data_list)): for name in data_list[x]: tmp = str(name).split('/') objID = tmp[-1].split('.')[0] cls = tmp[3] annotations = self.__get_anno_dict(name, cls) if objID in data_dict.keys(): list00.append(objID) ID = objID + '_' + cls data_dict[ID] = annotations data_str = json.dumps(data_dict) f3 = open(img_file, 'w') f3.write(data_str) f3.close()
def __get_anno_dict(self, anno_file, cls): assert anno_file.exists(), '{} does not exist.'.format(anno_file) img_file = self.image_path + '/' + cls + '/' + anno_file.stem + '.jpg' with open(anno_file) as f: annotations = json.load(f) h = float(annotations['image_height']) w = float(annotations['image_width']) boundbox = annotations['bndbox'] keypoint_list = [] for key, value in annotations['kps'].items(): if not value == None: x = (value[0] - boundbox[0]) * self.obj_resize[0] / (boundbox[2] - boundbox[0]) y = (value[1] - boundbox[1]) * self.obj_resize[1] / (boundbox[3] - boundbox[1]) kpts_anno = dict() kpts_anno['labels'] = key kpts_anno['x'] = x kpts_anno['y'] = y keypoint_list.append(kpts_anno) anno_dict = dict() anno_dict['kpts'] = keypoint_list anno_dict['path'] = img_file anno_dict['cls'] = cls anno_dict['bounds'] = boundbox anno_dict['univ_size'] = len(VOC2011_KPT_NAMES[cls]) return anno_dict def __filter_annotations(self, ann_files, difficulty_params): if len(difficulty_params) > 0: basepath = os.path.join(self.pair_ann_path, "pickled", self.sets) if not os.path.exists(basepath): os.makedirs(basepath) difficulty_paramas_str = self.__diff_dict_to_str(difficulty_params) try: filepath = os.path.join(basepath, difficulty_paramas_str + ".pickle") ann_files_filtered = pickle.load(open(filepath, "rb")) print( f"Found filtered annotations for difficulty parameters {difficulty_params} and {self.sets}-set at {filepath}" ) except (OSError, IOError) as e: print( f"No pickled annotations found for difficulty parameters {difficulty_params} and {self.sets}-set. Filtering..." ) ann_files_filtered_dict = {} for ann_file in ann_files: with open(os.path.join(self.pair_ann_path, self.sets, ann_file + ".json")) as f: annotation = json.load(f) diff = {key: annotation[key] for key in self.difficulty_params.keys()} diff_str = self.__diff_dict_to_str(diff) if diff_str in ann_files_filtered_dict: ann_files_filtered_dict[diff_str].append(ann_file) else: ann_files_filtered_dict[diff_str] = [ann_file] total_l = 0 for diff_str, file_list in ann_files_filtered_dict.items(): total_l += len(file_list) filepath = os.path.join(basepath, diff_str + ".pickle") pickle.dump(file_list, open(filepath, "wb")) assert total_l == len(ann_files) print(f"Done filtering. Saved filtered annotations to {basepath}.") ann_files_filtered = ann_files_filtered_dict[difficulty_paramas_str] else: print(f"No difficulty parameters for {self.sets}-set. Using all available data.") ann_files_filtered = ann_files ann_files_filtered_cls_dict = { cls: list(filter(lambda x: cls in x, ann_files_filtered)) for cls in self.classes } class_len = {cls: len(ann_list) for cls, ann_list in ann_files_filtered_cls_dict.items()} print(f"Number of annotation pairs matching the difficulty params in {self.sets}-set: {class_len}") if self.combine_classes: cls_name = "combined" ann_files_filtered_cls_dict = {cls_name: ann_files_filtered} filtered_classes = [cls_name] print(f"Combining {self.sets}-set classes. Total of {len(ann_files_filtered)} image pairs used.") else: filtered_classes = [] for cls, ann_f in ann_files_filtered_cls_dict.items(): if len(ann_f) > 0: filtered_classes.append(cls) else: print(f"Excluding class {cls} from {self.sets}-set.") return ann_files_filtered, ann_files_filtered_cls_dict, filtered_classes def __diff_dict_to_str(self, diff): diff_str = "" keys = ["mirror", "viewpoint_variation", "scale_variation", "truncation", "occlusion"] for key in keys: if key in diff.keys(): diff_str += key diff_str += str(diff[key]) return diff_str
[docs]class IMC_PT_SparseGM: r""" Download and preprocess **IMC_PT_SparseGM** dataset. :param sets: str, problem set, ``'train'`` for training set and ``'test'`` for testing set :param obj_resize: tuple, resized image size :param ds_dict: settings of dataset, containing at most 4 params(keys) for IMC_PT_SparseGM: * **ROOT_DIR_IMG**: str, directory of images * **ROOT_DIR_NPZ**: str, directory of annotations * **CLASSES**: dict, classes of training and test data, keys: ``'train'`` for training and ``'test'`` for test * **MAX_KPT_NUM**: int, maximum kpt_num in an image """ def __init__(self, sets, obj_resize, **ds_dict): assert sets in ('train', 'test'), 'No match found for dataset {}'.format(sets) MAX_KPT_NUM = dataset_cfg.IMC_PT_SparseGM.MAX_KPT_NUM CLASSES = dataset_cfg.IMC_PT_SparseGM.CLASSES ROOT_DIR_NPZ = dataset_cfg.IMC_PT_SparseGM.ROOT_DIR_NPZ ROOT_DIR_IMG = dataset_cfg.IMC_PT_SparseGM.ROOT_DIR_IMG if len(ds_dict.keys()) > 0: if 'MAX_KPT_NUM' in ds_dict.keys(): MAX_KPT_NUM = ds_dict['MAX_KPT_NUM'] if 'CLASSES' in ds_dict.keys(): CLASSES = ds_dict['CLASSES'] if 'ROOT_DIR_NPZ' in ds_dict.keys(): ROOT_DIR_NPZ = ds_dict['ROOT_DIR_NPZ'] if 'ROOT_DIR_IMG' in ds_dict.keys(): ROOT_DIR_IMG = ds_dict['ROOT_DIR_IMG'] self.dataset_dir = 'data/IMC-PT-SparseGM' if not os.path.exists(ROOT_DIR_IMG): assert ROOT_DIR_IMG == dataset_cfg.IMC_PT_SparseGM.ROOT_DIR_IMG, 'you should not change ROOT_DIR_IMG or ROOT_DIR_NPZ unless the data have been manually downloaded' assert ROOT_DIR_NPZ == dataset_cfg.IMC_PT_SparseGM.ROOT_DIR_NPZ, 'you should not change ROOT_DIR_IMG or ROOT_DIR_NPZ unless the data have been manually downloaded''') if not os.path.exists(self.dataset_dir): os.makedirs(self.dataset_dir) self.sets = sets self.classes = CLASSES[sets] self.max_kpt_num = MAX_KPT_NUM self.suffix = 'imcpt-' + str(MAX_KPT_NUM) self.root_path_npz = Path(ROOT_DIR_NPZ) self.root_path_img = Path(ROOT_DIR_IMG) self.obj_resize = obj_resize self.img_lists = [np.load(self.root_path_npz / cls / 'img_info.npz')['img_name'].tolist() for cls in self.classes] self.process()
[docs] def download(self, url=None): r""" Automatically download IMC_PT_SparseGM dataset. :param url: str, web url of IMC_PT_SparseGM """ dirs = 'data/' if not os.path.exists(dirs): os.makedirs(dirs) print('Downloading dataset IMC-PT-SparseGM...') filename = 'data/IMC-PT-SparseGM.tar.gz' down_res = requests.get(url, stream=True) file_size = int(down_res.headers.get('Content-Length', 0)) with tqdm.wrapattr(down_res.raw, "read", total=file_size) as content: with open(filename, 'wb') as file: shutil.copyfileobj(content, file) tar =, "r") file_names = tar.getnames() print('Unzipping files...') sleep(0.5) for file_name in tqdm(file_names): tar.extract(file_name, "data/") tar.close() os.remove(filename)
[docs] def process(self): r""" Process the dataset and generate ``data-(size, size).json`` for preprocessed dataset, ``train.json`` for training set, and ``test.json`` for testing set. """ set_file = os.path.join(self.dataset_dir, self.sets + '.json') img_file = os.path.join(self.dataset_dir, 'data-' + str(self.obj_resize) + '-' + self.suffix + '.json') if not os.path.exists(set_file): set_list = [] for _list in self.img_lists: for img_name in _list: set_list.append(img_name.split('.')[0]) str1 = json.dumps(set_list) f1 = open(set_file, 'w') f1.write(str1) f1.close() if not os.path.exists(img_file): total_cls = [] for cls in dataset_cfg.IMC_PT_SparseGM.CLASSES['train']: total_cls.append(cls) for cls in dataset_cfg.IMC_PT_SparseGM.CLASSES['test']: total_cls.append(cls) total_img_lists = [np.load(self.root_path_npz / cls / 'img_info.npz')['img_name'].tolist() for cls in total_cls] data_dict = dict() for i, _list in enumerate(total_img_lists): cls = total_cls[i] for img_name in _list: img_id = img_name.split('.')[0] anno_dict = self.__get_anno_dict(img_name, cls) data_dict[img_id] = anno_dict str2 = json.dumps(data_dict) f2 = open(img_file, 'w') f2.write(str2) f2.close()
def __get_anno_dict(self, img_name, cls): """ Get an annotation dict from ``.npz`` annotation """ img_file = self.root_path_img / cls / img_name npz_file = self.root_path_npz / cls / (img_name.split('.')[0] + '.npz') assert img_file.exists(), '{} does not exist.'.format(img_file) assert npz_file.exists(), '{} does not exist.'.format(npz_file) with as img: ori_sizes = img.size xmin = 0 ymin = 0 w = ori_sizes[0] h = ori_sizes[1] with np.load(str(npz_file)) as npz_anno: kpts = npz_anno['points'] if len(kpts.shape) != 2: ValueError('{} contains no keypoints.'.format(img_file)) keypoint_list = [] for i in range(kpts.shape[1]): kpt_index = int(kpts[0, i]) assert kpt_index < self.max_kpt_num attr = { 'labels': kpt_index, 'x': kpts[1, i] * self.obj_resize[0] / w, 'y': kpts[2, i] * self.obj_resize[1] / h } keypoint_list.append(attr) anno_dict = dict() anno_dict['path'] = str(img_file) anno_dict['kpts'] = keypoint_list anno_dict['bounds'] = [xmin, ymin, w, h] anno_dict['cls'] = cls anno_dict['univ_size'] = self.max_kpt_num return anno_dict def __len(self, cls): if type(cls) == int: cls = self.classes[cls] assert cls in self.classes return len(self.img_lists[self.classes.index(cls)])
[docs]class CUB2011: r""" Download and preprocess **CUB2011** dataset. :param sets: str, problem set, ``'train'`` for training set and ``'test'`` for testing set :param obj_resize: tuple, resized image size :param ds_dict: settings of dataset, containing at most 2 params(keys) for CUB2011: * **ROOT_DIR**: str, directory of data * **CLS_SPLIT**: str, ``'ori'`` (original split), ``'sup'`` (super class) or ``'all'`` (all birds as one class) """ def __init__(self, sets, obj_resize, **ds_dict): CLS_SPLIT = dataset_cfg.CUB2011.CLASS_SPLIT ROOT_DIR = dataset_cfg.CUB2011.ROOT_DIR if len(ds_dict.keys()) > 0: if 'CLS_SPLIT' in ds_dict.keys(): CLS_SPLIT = ds_dict['CLS_SPLIT'] if 'ROOT_DIR' in ds_dict.keys(): ROOT_DIR = ds_dict['ROOT_DIR'] self.set_data = {'train': [], 'test': []} self.classes = [] self._set_pairs = {} self._set_mask = {} self.cls_split = CLS_SPLIT self.suffix = 'cub2011-' + CLS_SPLIT self.rootpath = ROOT_DIR self.dataset_dir = 'data/CUB_200_2011' if not os.path.exists(ROOT_DIR): assert ROOT_DIR == dataset_cfg.CUB2011.ROOT_DIR, 'you should not change ROOT_DIR unless the data have been manually downloaded''') if not os.path.exists(self.dataset_dir): os.makedirs(self.dataset_dir) with open(os.path.join(self.rootpath, 'images.txt')) as f: self.im2fn = dict(l.rstrip('\n').split() for l in f.readlines()) with open(os.path.join(self.rootpath, 'train_test_split.txt')) as f: train_split = dict(l.rstrip('\n').split() for l in f.readlines()) with open(os.path.join(self.rootpath, 'classes.txt')) as f: classes = dict(l.rstrip('\n').split() for l in f.readlines()) with open(os.path.join(self.rootpath, 'image_class_labels.txt')) as f: img2class = [l.rstrip('\n').split() for l in f.readlines()] img_idxs, class_idxs = map(list, zip(*img2class)) class2img = self.__lists2dict_for_cub(class_idxs, img_idxs) with open(os.path.join(self.rootpath, 'parts', 'part_locs.txt')) as f: part_locs = [l.rstrip('\n').split() for l in f.readlines()] fi, pi, x, y, v = map(list, zip(*part_locs)) self.im2kpts = self.__lists2dict_for_cub(fi, zip(pi, x, y, v)) with open(os.path.join(self.rootpath, 'bounding_boxes.txt')) as f: bboxes = [l.rstrip('\n').split() for l in f.readlines()] ii, x, y, w, h = map(list, zip(*bboxes)) self.im2bbox = dict(zip(ii, zip(x, y, w, h))) if self.cls_split == 'ori': for class_idx in sorted(classes): self.classes.append(classes[class_idx]) train_set = [] test_set = [] for img_idx in class2img[class_idx]: if train_split[img_idx] == '1': train_set.append(img_idx) else: test_set.append(img_idx) self.set_data['train'].append(train_set) self.set_data['test'].append(test_set) elif self.cls_split == 'sup': super_classes = [v.split('_')[-1] for v in classes.values()] self.classes = list(set(super_classes)) for cls in self.classes: self.set_data['train'].append([]) self.set_data['test'].append([]) for class_idx in sorted(classes): supcls_idx = self.classes.index(classes[class_idx].split('_')[-1]) train_set = [] test_set = [] for img_idx in class2img[class_idx]: if train_split[img_idx] == '1': train_set.append(img_idx) else: test_set.append(img_idx) self.set_data['train'][supcls_idx] += train_set self.set_data['test'][supcls_idx] += test_set elif self.cls_split == 'all': self.classes.append('cub2011') self.set_data['train'].append([]) self.set_data['test'].append([]) for class_idx in sorted(classes): train_set = [] test_set = [] for img_idx in class2img[class_idx]: if train_split[img_idx] == '1': train_set.append(img_idx) else: test_set.append(img_idx) self.set_data['train'][0] += train_set self.set_data['test'][0] += test_set else: raise ValueError('Unknown CUB2011.CLASS_SPLIT {}'.format(self.cls_split)) self.sets = sets self.obj_resize = obj_resize self.process()
[docs] def download(self, url=None): r""" Automatically download CUB2011 dataset. :param url: str, web url of CUB2011 """ dirs = 'data/' if not os.path.exists(dirs): os.makedirs(dirs) print('Downloading dataset CUB2011...') filename = 'data/CUB_200_2011.tgz' down_res = requests.get(url, stream=True) file_size = int(down_res.headers.get('Content-Length', 0)) with tqdm.wrapattr(down_res.raw, "read", total=file_size) as content: with open(filename, 'wb') as file: shutil.copyfileobj(content, file) tar =, "r") file_names = tar.getnames() print('Unzipping files...') sleep(0.5) for file_name in tqdm(file_names): tar.extract(file_name, "data/") tar.close() os.remove(filename)
[docs] def process(self): r""" Process the dataset and generate ``data-(size, size).json`` for preprocessed dataset, ``train.json`` for training set, and ``test.json`` for testing set. """ set_file = os.path.join(self.dataset_dir, self.sets + '.json') img_file = os.path.join(self.dataset_dir, 'data-' + str(self.obj_resize) + '-' + self.suffix + '.json') if not os.path.exists(set_file): set_list = [] set_img_idx_list = self.set_data[self.sets] for cls_img_idx_list in set_img_idx_list: for img_idx in cls_img_idx_list: img_name = self.im2fn[img_idx].split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] set_list.append(img_name) str1 = json.dumps(set_list) f1 = open(set_file, 'w') f1.write(str1) f1.close() if not os.path.exists(img_file): data_dict = dict() for img_idx, img_name in self.im2fn.items(): cls = img_name.split('/')[0] obj_id = img_name.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] obj_dict = self.__get_anno_dict(img_idx, cls) data_dict[obj_id] = obj_dict str2 = json.dumps(data_dict) f2 = open(img_file, 'w') f2.write(str2) f2.close()
def __get_imgname(self, data): return os.path.join(self.rootpath, 'images', self.im2fn[data]) def __get_meta(self, data): pi, x, y, v = map(list, zip(*self.im2kpts[data])) order = np.argsort(np.array(pi).astype(int)) keypts = np.array([np.array(x).astype('float')[order], np.array(y).astype('float')[order]]) visible = np.array(v).astype('uint8')[order] bbox = np.array(self.im2bbox[data]).astype(float) return keypts, visible, bbox def __get_anno_dict(self, img_name, cls): keypts, visible, bbox = self.__get_meta(img_name) xmin, ymin, w, h = bbox img_file = self.__get_imgname(img_name) with as img: xmin, xmax = np.clip((xmin, xmin + w), 0, img.size[0]) ymin, ymax = np.clip((ymin, ymin + h), 0, img.size[1]) keypoint_list = [] for keypt_idx in range(keypts.shape[1]): if visible[keypt_idx]: attr = dict() attr['labels'] = keypt_idx attr['x'] = (keypts[0, keypt_idx] - xmin) * self.obj_resize[0] / w attr['y'] = (keypts[1, keypt_idx] - ymin) * self.obj_resize[1] / h keypoint_list.append(attr) anno_dict = dict() anno_dict['path'] = img_file anno_dict['kpts'] = keypoint_list anno_dict['bounds'] = [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax] anno_dict['cls'] = cls anno_dict['univ_size'] = 15 return anno_dict @staticmethod def __lists2dict_for_cub(keys, vals): ans = {} for idx, val_i in enumerate(vals): if keys[idx] in ans: ans[keys[idx]].append(val_i) else: ans[keys[idx]] = [val_i] return ans