Examples Gallery
Below is the gallery of pygmtools
examples. We build the examples from the introduction of graph matching
to the variants of graph matching, and finally, we provide examples on the applications of graph matching.
In each topic, we provide examples on different numerical backends (e.g., pytorch, numpy, paddle, jittor, tensorflow, mindspore).
Introduction of Graph Matching: Matching Isomorphic Graphs
Numpy Backend Example: Matching Isomorphic Graphs
PyTorch Backend Example: Matching Isomorphic Graphs
Jittor Backend Example: Matching Isomorphic Graphs
Paddle Backend Example: Matching Isomorphic Graphs
Variant of Graph Matching: Seeded Graph Matching
Numpy Backend Example: Seeded Graph Matching
PyTorch Backend Example: Seeded Graph Matching
Jittor Backend Example: Seeded Graph Matching
Paddle Backend Example: Seeded Graph Matching
Variant of Graph Matching: Discovering Subgraphs
Numpy Backend Example: Discovering Subgraphs
PyTorch Backend Example: Discovering Subgraphs
Jittor Backend Example: Discovering Subgraphs
Paddle Backend Example: Discovering Subgraphs
Variant of Graph Matching: Multi-Graph Matching
Jittor Backend Example: Multi-Graph Matching
Numpy Backend Example: Multi-Graph Matching
PyTorch Backend Example: Multi-Graph Matching
Paddle Backend Example: Multi-Graph Matching
Application of Graph Matching: Model Fusion by Graph Matching
PyTorch Backend Example: Model Fusion by Graph Matching
Jittor Backend Example: Model Fusion by Graph Matching
Paddle Backend Example: Model Fusion by Graph Matching
Application of Graph Matching: Matching Image Keypoints by QAP Solver
Numpy Backend Example: Matching Image Keypoints by QAP Solvers
PyTorch Backend Example: Matching Image Keypoints by QAP Solvers
Paddle Backend Example: Matching Image Keypoints by QAP Solvers
Jittor Backend Example: Matching Image Keypoints by QAP Solvers
Application of Graph Matching: Matching Image Keypoints by Graph Matching Neural Network
PyTorch Backend Example: Matching Image Keypoints by Graph Matching Neural Networks
Jittor Backend Example: Matching Image Keypoints by Graph Matching Neural Networks
Paddle Backend Example: Matching Image Keypoints by Graph Matching Neural Networks